Is Blockchain and Web3 All Hype and Its Demise Imminent?

Computer server machine break down

Me: Is decentralized Web3 dead?
ChatGPT: No, decentralized Web3 isn’t dead. It’s still very much alive and evolving.

You can certainly “trust” a computer to state that anything made of tech will not die. After all, is not artificial intelligence designed to mimic human behavior? Ask random human beings what happens after their death and they will likely tell you that we will somehow still ‘live’ in a heaven somewhere or be reincarnated and returned to Earth in another form, so it is no surprise then that ChatGPT will not predict anything that is made of computer parts to die.

While popular crypto currencies are still trading with market caps of billions of dollars and Bitcoin’s market cap is even above a trillion dollars, what will happen to the Web3 industry if democracy is subtlety outlawed and governments that can impose iron handed political powers decide to kill the blockchain technology? What if quantum computing achieved a sudden scientific breakthrough like with artificial intelligence? Such a breakthrough has the potential to impact various aspects of cryptography, which is a foundational component of decentralized Web3 systems. Traditional cryptographic algorithms, such as RSA and ECC, rely on the difficulty of certain mathematical problems, which quantum computers could potentially solve much faster than classical computers.

Current State of Decentralized Web3

While there may be fluctuations in enthusiasm or hype around some projects or technologies within the Web3 space, the fundamental principles of decentralization, blockchain, and distributed systems is still believed by many enthusiasts and so we are still somewhat seeing some development and innovations within the industry, albeit at a smaller scale in relative to other technological ventures.

Just like how there is a lot of buzz about artificial intelligence these days, likewise, Web3 technologies also present the potential to reshape various industries, including finance, supply chain, healthcare, and more, by offering greater transparency, security, and efficiency. However, like any emerging technology, there are challenges to overcome, such as scalability, usability, and regulatory issues.

Expanding decentralized Web3 market share faces several obstacles and challenges which have been prevalent for a decade now with hardly any major improvements that would encourage mass adoption among the lay people on a similar scale like what we witnessed with the Internet back in the 1990s and early millennium:

  1. User Experience and Accessibility: Many decentralized applications (DApps) and platforms still lack user-friendly interfaces and seamless experiences. Improving UX/UI design and simplifying processes for non-technical users are crucial for wider adoption.
  2. Scalability: Scalability remains a significant challenge for many blockchain networks. As user bases grow, congestion and high transaction fees can hinder usability and drive users away. While many of us probably have a love hate relationship with our banks, the fees charged for executing transactions on blockchains are still way more expensive that what nominal banks charge.
  3. Regulatory Uncertainty: Regulatory frameworks around cryptocurrencies, tokens, and decentralized finance (DeFi) are still evolving in many jurisdictions. Uncertainty regarding compliance and legal requirements can deter traditional users and investors from participating in Web3 ecosystems. In many countries, the Web3 space is still rife with scams and illegal activities.
  4. Interoperability: Interoperability between different blockchain networks and protocols is essential for seamless interactions and the exchange of assets and data. However, achieving interoperability remains a technical and governance challenge within the Web3 space.
  5. Security Concerns: While blockchain technology offers inherent security benefits, DApps and smart contracts are still vulnerable to exploits and attacks. Ensuring robust security measures, audits, and best practices is essential to build trust and confidence among users.
  6. Education and Awareness: Many potential users and stakeholders lack awareness and understanding of Web3 technologies and their potential benefits. Education initiatives and community outreach are needed to onboard new users and drive adoption.
  7. Infrastructure Development: Building the necessary infrastructure, such as decentralized storage, identity solutions, and oracle networks, is critical for the growth of Web3 ecosystems. Continued investment in infrastructure development is essential to support expanding use cases and user bases.

Addressing these challenges requires collaboration among developers, entrepreneurs, regulators, and users to foster innovation, improve usability, and build trust in decentralized Web3 technologies. As of this time, the journey towards a making the World Wide Web more decentralized is ongoing, with many projects and communities actively working towards that goal.

Web3 Sectors that are Poised to Expand in 2024

Despite the rather lackluster response, there remains some optimism with selective sectors within the Web3 space that look promising:

  1. Decentralized Finance (DeFi): DeFi has been a rapidly growing sector within the Web3 ecosystem, offering decentralized alternatives to traditional financial services such as lending, borrowing, trading, and yield farming. As DeFi platforms continue to improve scalability, usability, and security, they are likely to attract more users and capital. Additionally, the expansion of DeFi into areas like insurance, derivatives, and asset management could further fuel its growth in 2024.
  2. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): NFTs have gained significant traction, enabling unique ownership and provenance of digital assets on the blockchain. While NFTs have primarily been associated with digital art and collectibles, they have potential applications across various industries, including gaming, entertainment, real estate, and intellectual property. As more creators, brands, and investors recognize the value of NFTs, the market for these digital assets is expected to expand in 2024.
  3. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs): DAOs represent a novel approach to organizational governance and decision-making, allowing participants to collectively manage funds, make decisions, and govern protocols or projects in a decentralized manner. As interest in decentralized governance models grows, DAOs are poised to gain market share across industries such as crypto communities, gaming, decentralized finance (DeFi), and governance of blockchain protocols. Improved tools and frameworks for creating and operating DAOs could further accelerate their adoption in 2024.


Predicting the demise of decentralized Web3 is challenging due to many uncertainties around the potentials and threats of evolving technologies. We can be quite certain though that there will be some projects or technologies within the Web3 space that will fade away, while the broader concepts of decentralization, blockchain, and distributed systems are likely to persist or evolve.

Decentralized Web3 technologies do offer potential solutions to various challenges faced by traditional centralized systems, such as censorship, data privacy, and intermediary control. As such, there is continued interest and investment in exploring and developing these technologies across multiple industries.

However, the success and widespread adoption of decentralized Web3 depend on overcoming significant hurdles, including scalability, usability, regulatory challenges, and interoperability. Additionally, market dynamics, technological advancements, and shifts in user preferences could influence the trajectory of Web3 over time.

Ultimately, whether decentralized Web3 “dies” or not depends on how these challenges are addressed and how effectively the technology meets the needs of users and businesses in the long term. While there may be fluctuations or setbacks along the way, the fundamental principles driving the decentralization movement are likely to endure.

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